Harbour Line - AQUARIUS, by Jane Bhandari

Publication Year : 2002
ISBN : 8190298119
Some responses :
‘ These are poems that make me look again. Small details stand out in expanses of land,building and sea -a shell , a hammock, a kettle -imbued in a finely crafted setting with an iridescence of their own. Jane Bhandari handles each experience with poise and skill, even the most disturbing being brought to a quiet close.’
-Adil Jussawalla
‘With her trained painter’s eye and a fine sense of visual composition, Jane Bhandari sketches life with precision and inventiveness. Her poems are solid, earthy and firmly rooted, though paradoxically they emerge from a sense of belonging nowhere, of being neither Indian nor British. Her sense of displacement leaves room for celebration, for she is a poet who has learned over the years, the art of looking at her immediate environment and finding it interesting…’
-Anand Thakore
A Note About The Author :
Born in Scotland but educated in England, Jane Bhandari has livedin India for the last 35 years, mostly in Mumbai. She is both painter and poet and is currently working on illustrations for her next book. Her first book of poems, ‘Single Bed’ , was published by Writer’s Workshop in 2001. ‘The Long Thin Jungle’ and ‘The Round Square Chapatti’, two collections of short stories written for her son and daughter were published by India Book House in 1976.

Some Poems From ‘Aquarius’ :
Eaten by the Sea